I Love This Stroller!


788258hero_terrainAnd Sam loves it too. It is the magic sleepmobile. Once he is tightly snuggled in and the wheels are turning the little guy's eyelids droop and within a couple of blocks he is usually out, passed into dreamland. We can take this buggy as easily on rocky, bumpy dirt roads as we can on the East Jackson pavement and have even ventured up the steep buttes around town, Sam slumbering the whole time. I love the hardiness and the simplicity of the Mountain Buggy, the moveable canopy that allows you to block the sun or wind from any angle, the handy water bottle holders, and the brakes, one at foot level and one on the handlebar. The front wheel locks for running purposes, an activity I am just venturing back into, and the buggy adds an additional challenge when you pick up the pace, making you realize how much you rely on your arms to run. And we can't forget the look--this stroller is sleek and tough looking.

We were able to put Sam in the Mountain Buggy at only a few weeks of age, and he will get to use it for years, graduating from the reclined newborn position to the upright toddler seat. I cannot wait for the warmer weather when we get to abandon the snowsuit and layers and allow his little arms and legs to move in the warm air.

Before Sam falls asleep he usually catches views of the sky and notices the swaying of the trees, maybe even a bird or the back end of Olive as she runs in front of us. It gets him out in the world, feeling the wind and the sunshine, taking in the magnificent natural environment that we are fortunate to call home.