Weekend Snippets


IMG_0586Strange dreams about wedding albums and wedding dresses intermingled with waking up in the early morning. Sam's first night in the big boy crib, and I struggle more than he does. A talk with my dear friend Claire...whose amazing presence will grace us in a matter of days!

A delicious lingering brunch with my friend Carolyn and her little girl, Gwen. The day outside is grey, windy and cold. Inside is eggs, warm tea, and good conversation.

An impromptu nap with Sam in our bed. Baby squirms and wiggles turning into baby soft breath and relaxed fingers.

Creative dinners that feel good to make...adding to the repertoire of meals.

A birthday party at the Bistro for Babs that is true DW spirit and full of good people and smiling faces. Feels absolutely wonderful to be out of the house and up later than 9:30pm. It also feels good to want to go home to Jamie, Sam and Olive, happy that they are my family.

Feeling gratitude for family in our life as I write our thank yous/birth announcements.

A invigorating run on the dike by myself in the cold air, feeling hopeful that the body I knew before birth is slowly coming back to me.

And of course the constant smiles from my little guy as he continues to grow and stretch his way into this world, his personality growing and blossoming more every day.